Getting Started With API
EAN Database is a barcode and product database is designed to provide product information based on barcode numbers .
We Connect directly with retailers who provide us with massive amounts of data and the latest barcodes in their inventory systems. We've got just about everything in our database — from common grocery items and electronics, to obscure lesser known products. We use our proprietary technology to sort through the data, sift out the most useful information and present it to you in a searchable.
An additional benefit is that Web service become transparent to their customers. With our API you can create and edit Services, Users, and Databases as well as filter and retrieve scan records. You can pick and choose which APIs best suit your needs. Some clients use most of our APIs while others use only a few, most commonly our scans retrieve API. The scans retrieve API is the most popular because it offers an automated way to fetch scan records, modify them, insert them into a third party database and automate reporting.

Auth Services & Requirments
One of the core features of the EAN database cloud service is the API which automatically reflects your database schema. All databases have a unique URL as a REST endpoint. Client applications communicate through the URL with JSON objects.
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Final Step
Any programming language, client or server application can securely connect to Our database if provided with a valid access token